Only the Beginning: Women’s Programs

DAH Bul·le·tin
Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center
3 min readJan 17, 2018


This article has been modified, find “**” and clarification at the bottom.

In honor of Dar al-Hijrah hosting its first annual Women’s Conference this Saturday, January 20th 2018, lets look back at all the programs that Dar al- Hijrah caterers to its female community.

“Women’s solidarity cup of tea”

For a simply social atmosphere and good vibes, Dar al-Hijrah held multiple occasions were women gathered to be in each others presence, such as the “Women’s solidarity cup of tea,” which encourages women empowerment and garners relationships through an interfaith effort to the “Unity brunch” that builds bonds with other women in the community over a brunch hosted by DAH. There was also the ‘sister’s bonfire,’ held by DAH Youth that consisted of good vibes and delicious s’mores. These gatherings initiated sisterhood and a sorority between all types of women in the DAH and outside community!

Social services established various courses to strengthen and advance the careers of women in our community. They taught English in their Women’s ESL classes, every Tuesday and Thursday. They introduced sewing and dressmaking in their Sewing and Design Academy, which gifted sewing machines to their recent graduates and had thirteen women successfully complete a Computer-Training course that was condensed into 6 weeks with 6 months worth of material. In the future, social services will continue to further women advancement by partnering with Empowered Women International for Entrepreneur Training for Success to promote women entrepreneurship.

Sewing and Design Academy Graduation

Craving spiritual and physical enlightenment, DAH sponsored Yoga classes, Girls’ Scouts and Tuesday Sister’s Halaqa led by Sister ‘Iaesha Prime. Girls’ Scouts and Yoga classes granted physical peace and preparedness for women of all ages. While the Sister’s Halaqa fosters an Islamic environment that teaches Islam with a focus on issues that affect women as well as giving an Islamic space for them.

Weekly (Tuesday) Sister’s Halaqa

Outside of programs, classes and small events, a community Women’s forum was organized to address the concerns and needs of women in our area. In the summer and leading up to the fall, events that worked as forums allowed members to interact and voice their opinions, such as “Women of Faith, Women of action” and the “Women’s empowerment and Leadership conference.” They also learned about ending FGM and promoting Sexual Health with Makespace**. Forums for women by women created a space where women of the DAH community and beyond could voice their opinions on important issues.

Overall, this year brought many changes and growth in creating a space for women in our community, especially with the appointment of Sister ‘Iaesha Prime as Director of Women’s Programs at Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center. There is more to do but with strides comes success! Come experience Dar al-Hijrah continuing its efforts by attending the DC Women’s Conference, where important issues will be addressed by showcasing varied local and national talents that hold women’s rights and issues at the forefront.

** DAH Women participated but did not organize, contribute, or sponsor the MakeSpace event.



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